Audiophile Voice 2012: ULS-15 & HB-1

Audiophile Voice 2012: ULS-15 & HB-1

This trio of speakers from Hsu is nothing if not hugely cost effective. For less than $1600 MSRP, you get a world-class system. You also get low-frequency performance that I think is rarely if ever matched, but never bettered, and then at a substantially higher system cost. You get accurate and musical sound over a wonderfully wide dynamic range, perhaps not that of a symphony orchestra up-close, but approaching that range. You get musical timbre and accuracy from the mid through the top frequencies that gives most every other system a run for the “best of” award. The only thing you don’t get with the HB-1 Mk2s and the ULS-15 are a big dent in your wallet from the ego thrill of outspending your audio buddies.

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